Indiana University--South Bend is a public institution that was founded in 1922. The school has 40.5 percent of its classes with fewer than 20 students, and the student-faculty ratio at Indiana University--South Bend is 16:1.
University of Vermont was established in 1791 as a public institution. University of Vermont follows a semester-based academic calendar and its admissions are considered more selective.
Founded in 1855, Butler University is a private institution. Butler University follows a semester-based academic calendar and its admissions are considered more selective.
Los Angeles,CA
A private institution, Drake University was founded in 1881. Drake University offers a Greek system, where 28.0 percent of the student body is involved in a sorority and 26.0 percent is involved in a fraternity.
Duquesne University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 5,745, with a gender distribution of 43.7 percent male students and 56.3 percent female students. 57.0 percent of the students live in college-owned, -operated, or -affiliated housing and 43.0 percent of students live off campus.
Winter Park,FL
A public institution, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--Camden was founded in 1927.
Founded in 1870, St. John's University is a private institution. St. John's University follows a semester-based academic calendar and its admissions are considered selective.
University of Arkansas--Little Rock is a public institution that was founded in 1927. The student-faculty ratio at University of Arkansas--Little Rock is 16:1.
San Luis Obispo,CA
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